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Cat dies at the groomers.
Sandy the cat was dropped off for grooming. She was a healthy 2 year old cat. When her owner went to pick her up she was told the cat died suddenly. When the owner wanted the body examined by a vet, she was told the cat was already cremated. They refused to give her the ashes. When she insisted she was given some ashes with the name Sandy written on the container.

I don't blame her for wanting answers. The whole thing sounds a little suspicious. I don't think you can get a pet cremated in that short a time. Certainly the owner should have been called the moment the cat started to look unwell.
I have doubts about everything the groomer has said.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This is very sad. And a very peculiar story. How long is an animal likely to be at the groomer's? Two hours? Well, maybe some people drop off their cat or dog in the morning, then pick them up after work....okay so eight hours maximum?
To my way of seeing things, I am sure it wouldn't be possible to arrange an animal cremation as quickly as that. In a matter of hours -or even less?
There is something weird about the groomer's story from that angle.

But then obviously lying about the vet having given a possible cause of death....and yet the vet when asked had no recollection of being consulted?

It seems there is an attempt at a cover up. So what happened really? The cat could have passed from extreme stress. Or there could have been an accident. I hope the truth is discovered.

Maybe this is a wake up call for all those people who have animals who "need to go to the groomer's". How much do they "need to go"? For them it's not like a trip to the hairdresser's. For many of them it's probably much worse than how we feel when we are going to the dentist for a root canal. That's how nervous some could get -and worse.
So maybe we should groom our animals properly ourselves. And also learn how to trim their nails regularly?
I agree that there is something suspicious about the whole story.

Either they did something to cause the cats death and they want to hide what really happened. Or the cat got out and they are pretending it died rather than admit it was lost.

Perhaps the cat got out and was killed by a car or something.
Worse, one of the dogs in for grooming might have killed the cat.

There is no way they could have had the cat cremated so fast and why would they. Cremation is expensive.
I hope she finds out what happened to her cat.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a sad story and certainly makes no sense whatsoever!!
I hope they get to the bottom of this.
I hope the owner is persistent.
I agree with Tobi. We have never taken our pets to the groomer, but know many who do.
It would be less stressful for our pets and much safer if we would do any necessary grooming at home.
Hey, I just had a thought........A groomer who makes house calls???
Anyone ever heard of such a thing? Maybe a new idea for a business.
Less stress for our pets and we could be available to watch over things and make sure there are no problems.
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Some facts are plain in this case. The groomer did not take the cat to the vet, as the vet denies ever having treated it. The time scale is too short for cremation to have taken place (notice required, and the legal "owner" would need to authorise it anyway). So on the basis of these facts alone, the cat's caretaker has grounds for a legal case.

I'm not one for the "Sue anything that moves!" school of thought, but in this case the truth is being deliberately hidden and court might be the only way to force answers out of the groomer.
I agree that this is the time for a court case. The groomer is clearly lying. No matter how bad the truth is, it would still be better to know.
I hope the groomer can be forced to tell the truth.

I like the idea of groomers making house calls. Some hairdressers do it, so why not a dog groomer. It would be way easier on the animal. There is a wonderful business opportunity here.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I seem to remember some people offering this facility in the UK years ago when I lived there. Perhaps Tobi would know if it still exists.
I don't know anyone here who goes to the house to groom. For small dogs and cats it would be so much easier.

It would also help if elderly dog owners could get home grooming. I bath the little dog of a senior I work with. I did cut his bangs so he can see, but he needs a real proper clipping before it gets too hot.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I think it would be a fabulous business opportunity for the right person.
Think of the overhead it would cut down on. No need to rent office space.
Back to the topic at hand.
I also am not a fan of law suits as a rule, but I think in this case it is definitely appropriate. At the very least this is a severe case of fraud.
I know from recent experience. We had to have Littleman [our wonderful kitty of nearly 12 years] put to sleep last month. A very difficult thing to do as you all know.
The vet offered cremation services.
I never knew this service existed.
They explained the process. It would take about 10 days for the cremation and a cost of $200.
So if the vet can't process a cremation in less time than that I sincerely doubt [being gracious here] that a groomer can do any better.
Not to wouldn't have been free!!!!
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(05-29-2015, 01:58 AM)AnimalFamily Wrote: They explained the process. It would take about 10 days for the cremation and a cost of $200.
So if the vet can't process a cremation in less time than that I sincerely doubt [being gracious here] that a groomer can do any better.
Not to wouldn't have been free!!!!
How right you are. I hadn't thought about the cost side of things. The groomer would hardly have paid 200 USD out of her own pocket. Good thinking! That makes the case yet more suspicious.

BTW I'm very sorry to read about Littleman. I send you my condolences.

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