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Rescuing dogs from Yu Lin
Another unsung hero....
A Chinese woman has spent her life savings on rescuing dogs from the Yu Lin "Festival".

"Over 4 million people have petitioned to stop the annual dog meat festival in Yulin, China. Among them is Yang Xiaoyun, who has saved over 3,500 dogs in the last 20 years and even sold two of her houses in order to care for them..."

What a beautiful woman. It would be nice to arrange a fundraiser for her.....

Update! I have found a fundraiser for her :
What she has done so far is amazing. What a difference she has made in the lives of so many dogs.

I am glad there is a fund raiser for her. It will enable her to care for many more dogs.

Maybe the example of women like Yu Lin will be the thing that ends the festival. She is willing to give everything to save any dog at all.

There was enough publicity this year that the public really knows what is going on. I don't think people like it. I hope this is the beginning of the end for the festival.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I read some of the comments on the donation site. A man -don't know where from, (US possibly?) -is asking if he can go to China to make a film of her rescue work. I have a feeling this lady and her work will become better publicised as time goes by.
So far, she has been struggling alone. It must get to her how many dogs she was unable to save...

But there is another valid comment on that fundraising page and that is we all hope this doesn't become a lucrative money-making venture for the organisers of the festival...
That is a hurdle which will have to be jumped.
(06-25-2015, 03:04 AM)Tobi Wrote: But there is another valid comment on that fundraising page and that is we all hope this doesn't become a lucrative money-making venture for the organisers of the festival...
That is a hurdle which will have to be jumped.
To be honest, that is a thought that crossed my mind when I first saw this thread. But I didn't want to be appear negative about what this wonderful lady has done. The really important thing is to get as many people as possible aware of what goes on and get them signing petitions.
Quote:But there is another valid comment on that fundraising page and that is we all hope this doesn't become a lucrative money-making venture for the organisers of the festival...
That is a hurdle which will have to be jumped.

I think the good done out weighs any risk. It is essential that the festival be stopped, until then dogs must be rescued.

Getting a documentary done will really help. It will expose the nature of the "festival".
If nothing else, the way the dogs are kept and killed is a real health hazard. Most of these festivals that involve slaughtering animals are filthy and I am sure they are a source of the transmitting of diseases from the animals to each other and to humans.

I hope seeing the sheer filth of the dog meat trade will put many people off of eating dogs.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I got this update today about what is happening with Mrs Yang, and how the funds received from donations are being used so far. This was sent to my email so I will have to quote the whole text from "World Protection for Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade":

"Dear Friends of Mrs Yang and the dogs and cats of Yulin.

It is hard to believe nearly two weeks has passed since the brutal slaughter of thousands of dogs and cats in Yulin, China.

Our charity World Protection for Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade has been running the NoToDogMeat campaign against this heinous cruelty for over 3 years. This year we really wanted to be hands-on. For this reason we raised an appeal to help lone rescuer Mrs Yang save as many dogs and cats as she could. We sent her and her small team of volunteers 5 emergency grants and despite the odds she managed with your kind donations, and help from friends locally, to bring back 500 dogs and cats to her shelter in Tainjin ( nearly 2000km away).

Support for Mrs Yang and outcry against the festival has been unprecedented. Everyone agrees this madness has to end. Now the hard work begins. We have instructed a reputable local team of vets to visit Mrs Yang. This way they can do health checks on the dogs and scan for microchips in the hope some pets may find their owners. They can work out (and provide a clear report) on what on-going care and veterinary support is needed for the pups. They can also look at which dogs could be suitable for adoption (many of you have asked about this) Food supplies are being addressed and we have contacted other welfare groups with experience in shelter management.

We aim to keep you updated regularly and appreciate your input and would love to hear from those with any skills that can help. NoToDogMeat campaign and our charity is run by volunteers worldwide which makes us quite unique.

Here is a link to the most recent pictures we have of Mrs Yang and her rescued cats and dogs.

Thank you for being part of this wonderful journey!

NoToDogMeat Foundation Team"


There are some pictures also of Mrs Yang and the rescued dogs here:

The conditions in the 'shelter' are very rudimentary. The dogs are in obvious need of medical care. But this amazing woman is doing her best. Let's hope conditions will rapidly improve for her and her dogs, as a result of the publicity.
(NB ...although these pictures of Mrs Yang and her dogs are filled with love, there are one or two on this page about the festival itself which are upsetting.)
The shelter conditions may be very rough and many of the animals need medical help, but they are safe. I think they know they are safe. They can see what was happening to the animals around them. Getting away from the slaughter must have been a great relief to the rescued animals. Dogs and cats are smart. They know they are being cared for with love at the shelter. Anything is better than where they were.

I am sure with help and donations the shelter can be improved. It has a year to rehome these dogs before it has to rescue another set from next year's festival. People will just have to keep on fighting the slaughter and rescuing animals until there are no more.

Mrs. Yang is an amazing woman. Look how many lives she saved with so little help.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Two short videos on YouTube about Mrs Yang Xiao Yun:
It is amazing what is happening there. Clearly Mrs. Yang Xiao Yun needs help to continue her work. I hope the publicity brings in money and volunteers.

She has done so much with so little. Without her all those dogs would be dead. I wonder if they can arrange to adopt some of the dogs to other countries. Maybe a puppy airlift is in order.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

As is the nature of things in this world, Mrs Yang Xiao Yun is no longer among the 'breaking news'. The donations towards her rescue efforts have been wonderful. They have slowed down a lot now.
The "No to Dog Meat" charity have made sure she has got some money, but I always look for updates from them. I hope the funds have been able to provide her with at least one person to help her day-to-day in a practical sense.
Volunteers out there give what they can when they can, apparently. But maybe she needs at least one person who can be paid for their work, thus can be a constant presence.
It does seem that animal food supplies have got there as I saw pictures of her feeding the dogs kibble. Corn meal is fine for dogs as emergency food. They can get energy from it. But it is not great as a permanent food.
Basic medical supplies must be sorely needed.....vaccines, antibiotics, de-wormers, flea treatments. It would be a good thing if western vets could donate to this cause too. But I do not know the logistics of getting those medicines to her. Some medicines need to be kept cool.

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