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Man lets his dog kill a cat
I hesitate to post this. The video is bad.
I want them to catch the guy so if you live in the area at least look at the end and see if you know him. If you are somewhere else you might not want to watch it.

We owe it to the cat to try and catch the man. He needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

These days, with face recognition software, it is likely that this man will be found by the Police via the net. Equally, someone will likely recognise him.

The person who filmed this event could have done more. S/he could have followed the man from a distance, from the safety of his/her car.
I think I would have run at him with the car to stop the event.

Actually I wouldn't have been in a car so I would have tried to stop the attack on foot with whatever I had on hand. I always have a bag or something with me.

I did go at someone(20 years ago) who was probably planning to let his dog kill a cat(we always suspected him of such behavior). He backed off and took the dog with him because he didn't want publicity. There were no cell phones, but now I would have been able to get a picture and something could have been done long term about the guy. I did save that cat from harm.

There may be reasons why the guy stayed hidden in his car.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

How horrific.
Lurchers are usually very friendly with people. I have known many. I would not have hesitated to stop that attack. I would have been so deadly angry. But unfortunately by the time that was done, the cat would probably have already have sustained fatal injury.
This is the most terrible cruelty, and I agree that man should be prosecuted. The dogs as far as I see it were just obeying a hunting instinct, but that man did nothing to stop it, and his cynical attitude towards the cat's poor body shows he views it as a piece of trash. It may be possible to clean up the video to get 'face recognition'. But local people will definitely know who he is anyway.
He should not be allowed to get away with that.

It sounds as if you did save that cat years ago Catherine. Your instincts sensed what was about to happen.

Unfortunately dogs who haven't grown up with cats may always view them as prey. Then it is up to the dog's caretaker to do something.
The Express site is down at the moment, but I seem to remember reading that the person filming was afraid that the man might have set the dogs on to him/her in retaliation for filming. The person who took the video has remained anonymous.

Well, I suppose some people are less brave than others. I do not judge him/her too harshly. But I do think that if this person was so afraid, s/he could at least have followed him home in the car and given the Police an address where the offender lived.
Yes that would have been a good idea. Because the man may cause another similar incident. As I said, one cannot really blame the dogs. We don't know how much encouragement he gives them. Dogs will often do all sorts of things if they are constantly re-inforced in that behaviour by their caretaker.

I can understand the person who filmed not wanting to intervene if they had a solid reason to believe the man would set the dogs on them.
Right now catching the guy is the most important thing. Someone who knows him and his dogs will recognize him. I hope they can charge him with many things. I suspect he turned the dogs on the cat.
He certainly did nothing to stop it and did nothing to help the dying cat afterwards.

The cat I helped was in serious danger. The guy had told his dog to attack it and the dog had the cat trapped in a corner. He even admitted to me that he had trained the dog to kill cats. He called the dog off because a witness was a problem for him.

I couldn't get him charged because I had no proof and I didn't have his name or exact address. Now I could use my phone to take pictures and even record his words.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes, but Catherine you saved a cat's life and saved it from pain and suffering. That means a lot. You don't know, but someone else could have had him prosecuted. It's sad but people who do such things may only listen to the law.
His dog was a Pit bull and they were banned in the province some time after that. His actions were part of why the breed was banned.

That cat was saved and the guy is no longer in the area and the dog would be gone now any how.
I think there is more awareness of animal abuse issues and it is easier to get a response from the Police and Animal Services.

Now they just need to catch the guy who let his dogs kill a cat.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(07-20-2015, 10:58 AM)Catherine Wrote: I think there is more awareness of animal abuse issues and it is easier to get a response from the Police and Animal Services.

Yes, sometimes I think it's not a very nice world for many of the animals in it. And then I realise that it is true -there IS more awareness of animal abuse issues than there used to be. Those things must have happened many years ago, and nobody cared as much as they do now. We can also thank social media and the internet for those changes.

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