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McDonalds cuts ties to chicken supplier
The chicken supplier to Tyson Foods and McDonalds has been caught on video abusing chickens. Three cheers for Mercy For Animals for the work they do in exposing such abuse.
There has been some pressure on McDonalds to drop that supplier. I know there have been petitions and it seems that McDonalds has responded. McDonalds and Tyson Foods have cancelled their contract.

This is a really positive step. People are rejecting animal abuse in their food supply and the big chains like McDonalds are listening. If McDonalds makes a choice like that, then the other companies will follow.

Through the internet we have the power to change things.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

People power! Make enough noise and they will listen.
With the internet and social media we can now make enough noise!

I think it is becoming clear that people don't want animal cruelty to be part of the system. When the feeling becomes strong enough the whole food industry will have to change. People are already eating less meat. There are food alternatives and people are starting to choose them.

McDonalds is a smart business. They will do what it takes to keep their customers. If the result is less cruelty then we have won this battle.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(09-01-2015, 11:39 AM)Catherine Wrote: This is a really positive step. People are rejecting animal abuse in their food supply and the big chains like McDonalds are listening. If McDonalds makes a choice like that, then the other companies will follow.

Through the internet we have the power to change things.

When a large company like MacDonalds says no to cruelty, it is a very positive step.
The voices of many people -like us -are behind these things. MacDonald's doesn't want to risk being boycotted by large swathes of the public, stirred by social media and internet petitions etc.
Large companies setting a trend, even for their own financial benefit, will gradually bring about tremendous change.

Change is coming I think. Maybe it won't be too long until people will look back with disbelief and horror about animal cruelty.
I agree, I see times changing.
We can put pressure on big businesses through campaigns and petitions. The thing is, we don't have to be organized or a cohesive group. There doesn't have to be a leader. It is all of us passing information and petitions on the each other that is doing this.

If the big businesses respond for financial reasons, it doesn't matter. As long as the end result is a cruelty free world they we can all be happy.

We may live to see a kinder gentler world.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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