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Porton Down does outrageous experiments
Well said!

I also wonder about the people who actually do the cruel acts. What does that do to them as persons. Would you want that person living next door to you. Do you even want them loose in society. They are basically licenced psychopaths. What is the difference between a Porton Down worker and some guy in jail for being a serial killer(It sounds like the lead in to a bad joke and I wish it was). There is no difference, but the Porton Down workers have figured out how to get paid for it.

In every way places like Porton Down are an offence to civilization itself. Is it different than the guys using live animals to bait greyhounds? In its lack of morality it is the same, but Porton Down is many degrees worse.
As a decent society we cannot allow such behavior to go on. It may take work to get rid of such things, but we must work to stop this.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Porton Down does outrageous experiments - by Catherine - 03-15-2015, 04:35 AM

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