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Thousands of animals rescued from illegal slaughterhouse
A wonderful Florida woman was instrumental in getting animals rescued from a farm with and illegal slaughterhouse. Most of the dead animals were starved to death. The living ones had inadequate food and water.

It is hard to believe so many animals were involved. The owners have been charged and hopefully all the surviving animals can end up in farm sanctuaries.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am glad these animals have been helped. The place sounded horrific, and obviously a threat to public health as well.

Precious is beautiful.
It is the vigilance of people who care that is going to shut these places down.

If we all do are part to protect animals I am sure we can end such cruelty. If all people did was report them they would be out of business soon enough. I am glad the authorities are taking this so seriously.

It does sound like a health hazard. Meat from a place like that would not be safe to eat.

Precious is so cute. I wonder why she was in with the chickens?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What a horrifying place. I am truly glad that this has been unearthed. What action is being taken against the owners? I couldn't find much about the "farm" or its owners on the net.
There is a lot more detail in this link. I think they are going to charge the men with a number of animal cruelty offences.

They will be able to get them for running an illegal slaughter house and no doubt they did not have the proper licenses to sell meat. There will be health department charges as well.

This is part of the back story of the group Animal Rescue Mission.

It sounds like this farm is just one of many. It will take years to track them all down and end all this cruelty.

I found a set of much more graphic videos from the farm, but I couldn't get them to post. Maybe that is just as well. Trust me, it was as bad as they say.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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