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Help! Fearful behaviour in Cats
Good thing you had a cat treat that worked. I can see how positive reinforcement would be more effective than any kind of negative reaction. The negative would just make her more anxious. Rewarding her every time she showed courage would reinforce the courage.

Well done both of you. You must be so relieved. You couldn't have her out in the winter and you can't stay all night coaxing her once it gets cold.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Glad to see you are making progress.
It does sound like sound suspicious, as if another animal may be paying her a visit.
If a dog or something is poking it's head through her door and possibly making aggressive sounds, it would be quite scary for her.
Is there anyway you could put a video camera in there and aim it at her cat door to see if another animal is the culprit?
[Image: m0223.gif] Come join the fun! [Image: m0218.gif]
A camera would be good, but I suppose it would get to complicated. Maybe one on a motion sensor would be good. You don't want to sit through hours of nothing happening.

I hope she is still alright with everything.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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