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Hatchery throws live chicks out as garbage
Humans are strange creatures. They are able to separate their thinking:
one one side, to go all sentimental about baby chicks on Easter cards and cakes - "Ah, aren't they cute?!";
on the other side, deliberately to turn a blind eye to the reality of the poultry industry and buy eggs from a supermarket.

Sadly, even buying "free-range" eggs does not guarantee that the farm will deal compassionately with the unwanted male chicks.

The article is a good one. It is factually informative. This parts hits home: "Not a single federal law currently provides any protection to these birds at the hatchery, on the factory farm or during slaughter."

I usually avoid reading the comments below, as they are often argumentative and abusive, but this comment by a former worker showed just how common this practice is: "I worked in a hatchery many years ago, and have seen this happen. I had to quit because I couldn't handle the mortality rate of it all. Almost everyday I went home and cried. It was baby chicks and baby turkeys. Once the machines were all cleaned, if a batch of chicks got missed, the guys would tie them up in a garbage back and put them in the dumpster. I alerted the humane society and hopefully they are more closely monitored. It's heartbreaking!!"

The USA, sadly, is way behind Europe in terms of legislation to protect chickens - although even here, cruelty does still happen daily on a massive scale. No federal laws at all in the USA? That is incredible.

What is the position in Canada, Catherine?

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RE: Hatchery throws live chicks out as garbage - by LPC - 07-21-2015, 07:51 PM

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