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50,000 chickens about to be slaughtered
The trouble with religious rituals and 'traditions' is they become mindless and heartless; just repetitive actions, done in a narrow-minded way, often with no thought to their meaning any more, or if that meaning -originating in a culture with a whole different mentality, has evolved over many centuries.
It is likely to be the same old thing; of people not discriminating, thinking and feeling for themselves, and instead following some ancient dated procedure, in the erroneous belief it will bring them 'closer to God' (or whatever)
I think there was a similar thing going on with Gadhimai.
There is only one thing which washes us of our sins, and that is a heart-felt living commitment to true spiritual principles. Cruelty and needless slaughter not being part of those principles.

If only those people knew.....a true epiphany is so sweet and full of love.

I honestly think we should petition about these things. Never mind any slurs of 'anti-semitism'. Why should people who commit acts of cruelty hide behind that banner??
Would we be happy to see those things done if they were Norwegian, or Chinese or something?

What shocks me equally about this is WHY in New York City, don't animal control (or suchlike) stop this blatant cruelty and seize those poor birds off the streets, under Magistrates' order?? How can it be condoned in a so-called 'civlilised' society?

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RE: 50,000 chickens about to be slaughtered - by Tobi - 09-20-2015, 10:27 AM

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