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Shocking conditions in European Rabbit farms
It is exactly like battery chickens. Just as horrific and cruel.

No, I think that many people do not know where 'rabbit' comes from, and how these poor creatures are being forced to exist in the most horrible conditions.
I remember years ago being very pleased because I had found Misty a very healthy dry dog food. It had no 'bad' additives, and was wholesome through and through. Its main ingredients were rabbit and brown rice. (She didn't eat only the dry food, but approximately a half-and half mix.) She was extremely fit on that food.

Now I wasn't stupid. I obviously knew some killing had taken place to make that, but I had no idea how the ingredients were sourced. I only knew about rabbits being shot for food. I did not know of any other way rabbit could be obtained. In my view, Rabbits were either bred as pets, or they were wild.
There is quite a lot of game hunting goes on in my area, and that was the only way I knew of to obtain rabbit meat.
I used to wonder if people were paid to hunt and shoot wild rabbits......

At that time I had abslutely NO IDEA they were being kept like this!!

It must stop. Even if they are destined to be meat -whoever keeps them in these conditions must be stopped. They have a right to a decent life, even if in captivity, and a right to a humane and swift passing.

This treatment of Rabbits bred for food is rife in the UK too, as the meat is becoming more and more popular.

I found a petition:

This makes me very sad -especially knowing I had a part to play in it myself.

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RE: Shocking conditions in European Rabbit farms - by Tobi - 10-02-2015, 08:06 AM

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