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Woman charged for giving water to pigs
Quote:Those poor poor piggies!
I know. Canada is terrible when it comes to animals being transported for slaughter. They let them haul animals in extreme heat and cold with no protection and no water. No ones raises a concern if many animals arrive dead after a horrific trip. 
 It can get extremely hot in our area in the summer.  If she had broken a car window to free a dog dying in a hot car, she would be a hero. She gave water to thirsty pigs so she is being charged. How ridiculous is that! Of course they plan to kill the pigs, so they do not want anyone to think about them compassionately.  Perhaps charging her will bring the plight of pigs to the public's notice. It might get people thinking about how pigs and other animals are treated.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Woman charged for giving water to pigs - by Catherine - 11-07-2015, 12:29 PM

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