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How are you and how was your day and whatever...
Heart I just thought I'd post a chatting thread for us to talk about how we are feeling, how our day went, any concerns you want to chat about.  This is just a friendly little thread for all to join in. Heart
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
It was a long work day, but I had to stop by the reptile centre for lizard food. The baby beardies are eating me out of house and home. I got to see newly hatched African House Snakes. They are not even as big as an earthworm. I have never seen anything so small.

That makes the whole rest of the day seem better.
After all, it is Friday.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

After that long day you had I bet it's time for R & R (rest and relaxation). Those lizards must be eating up a storm over there! I have never had lizards but as you may know I had Newts. It's always precious to see any species babies. They are all so cute and sweet looking, aren't they. I'm glad it's Friday now, too, but I am not doing work outside the home now. Fridays always seem like a nice day to me any how. Yes, TGIF! Smile
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
We're in the middle of a 10 day (or more) heatwave and it's burning hot all day and humid all night and I want summer to end already.
So life hasn't been that exciting lately because it's too hot to move.
(03-04-2016, 09:29 PM)platy Wrote: HOT.
We're in the middle of a 10 day (or more) heatwave and it's burning hot all day and humid all night and I want summer to end already.
So life hasn't been that exciting lately because it's too hot to move.

You must not have air conditioning?  Heat waves can take a toll on how you feel.  When does your next season start and what is it?
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I will trade you one hot day for one cold day.

I had a long working day, but it went well.  The client has a dog so I washed all his dog toys. I am not sure he was too happy about that. He will have to get them dirty so they get the right flavour again. Bear is such a funny little dog.

I stopped at the store and got my favourite mushrooms (and the things I needed). Red peppers are on special and I love red peppers, with my favourite mushrooms. I put my feet up and watched a show and had a good supper.

As usual the doves are watching me. So is Jake. I do love coming home to my babies.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I want to send my Love to all of you. I will be away from here for awhile, no offence taken, I hope.

I do look in from time to time without posting.

Keep up all the good work you're all doing for all of our animal friends. ❤️
Cathie, we are going to miss you. Drop in when you can. We love to hear from you.

I would trade all my snow for a bit of warm sunshine.
Binge watching is good on a hot day or a cold day.
I am watching Master Chef Australia season 3 and old episodes of Law and Order. Sometimes you just need to sit and relax and watch something. I love law drama shows. We don't get Crownies or Janet King. I should look and see if I can find the show on the internet. Of course I don't have that much time to watch stuff. Not as much as I want anyhow.

I am off to the reptile centre now to volunteer/work. Saturdays are busy and we need all the help we can get.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

You will be missed, cathie. You are a really nice member here.
I hope you will come back one day.

My day today was good. After doing jobs & visiting Sally-Cat, I went for a walk. I decided to go on a 4-mile loop, up to a house where there is a dog who likes me. The dog looks like Misty's sister (same build, size and colour, with a sweet character) and her name is Ronnie. Sometimes on walks with Misty we would see her.
I thought of her before I started the walk, but was sure she wouldn't be there, because a few times I have gone that way but there had been no sign of her.
Anyway as I got near, I saw her sitting just outside her gate, and she came racing up to greet me. I hadn't seen her for nearly 2 years. She did a dance, tried to encourage me to go in her garden (which I didn't) then did some racing laps of her lawn to show off. Her face has turned quite white, but she looked great.
Happy day.
That was a nice experience. After two years she is as happy to see you as ever. Dogs are great aren't they.
You must be having nice weather if you are taking a long walk like that.

We are not into the warm weather yet, but soon, I hope.

I did lots of organizing at the reptile centre and then I bathed all the bearded dragons. They don't know if they like water and they run around in it and splash each other and get really wet. It is the best thing for their skin and really helps them to shed.

I have been looking at a baby snake for months now. It is from another breeder, but I know he had some of my snake offspring as breeders. This snake is clearly a grandbaby snake of Sam. She is also a colour /pattern combination I want to produce and probably will produce. But this one is a really good example and her colour is beautiful. So I brought her home tonight. I guess I always knew I would. I will get pictures and post them soon.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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