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Good news: Sea World to end orca breeding
They have a very warped perception and usually cry the loudest.
Any time strong emotion over-rides common sense you end up with disasters. They need to learn to think through all the possibilities and consequences of their actions.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes this is very good news. Changes have to take place when businesses are under pressure from public opinion. We all have a voice, and our voices helped this situation. We have to keep fighting the good fight against any animal abuse. Changes do happen as a result. The businesses are forced into it.
One day these things will end, and we will look back on these cruelties as something terrible which happened in the past.
(My gosh it takes humans a long time to learn! And some learn unwillingly -merely because of public pressure.)

But I am very glad for the Orcas.
Who knows maybe some day I will actually visit a Sea World. They will have to do a lot of changing before that happens.
It could happen.

It would mean that they had changed a great deal and are treating animals with respect and dignity.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It's not just happening there, a lot of countries are guilty of this,but it's a step in the right direction.
Every country has some dark secret when it comes to animals.
I like to think that the whole planet is becoming aware and changing for the better. We are doing it very slowly, but every good change influences other situations.
This is a big change because it is in response to protests. That tells us that our efforts in protesting things are working.

I think it is great to hear that Orca shows are no longer popular. People are developing a sensitivity to the needs of animals.
I think we are seeing signs of respect as well.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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