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Faroe Islands Whaling.
This is a sad article. The final picture is heart breaking.  It is all so pointless. They don't even eat the whale meat anyhow. They just kill them.

The sight of the unborn calf made me cry. I guess I never want to reach a point where I don't cry at the sight of such extreme brutality.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Humans again....I sometimes hang my head down in shame at being one.

This is a pointless slaughter. As you say, they do not even the meat. It is also upsetting to see in one of the photos that parents were happily taking their children for a walk to see the whales with their bodies ripped open. Can you imagine the conversation?

"Come on children, let's go for a nice walk and see the freshly killed whales?!"

"Mummy, did it hurt when they killed them?"

"Don't worry about that. This is a glorious tradition which we have followed for centuries. Celebrate! You will be doing this when you are older"

That is the way the children are desensitized to the pointless cruel killings, and that is the way this vile tradition continues, year after year. The only way it can be countered is by critical publicity - lots of it....
It is terribly sad, gruesome and unnecessary. I bet the people who have no option but to hunt for food would have something to say about this. What a waste of life.
This is another 'tradition' which needs to be stopped.

I know for a fact I would have been filled with unspeakable horror to have witnessed that scene when I was a little child....even though I ate meat then because I didn't know any better.
The whale meat is no longer safe to eat so that takes care of the only reason they can have for killing the whales.
The fact that they have done it for years is no longer an acceptable reason.

I think it is a form of child abuse to expose children to such sights.
What could you say to a child that would justify cutting a baby from its mother like that.
It is barbaric.

You are right, shaming them publicly for their actions is the only way to stop this.
Also do not visit there or buy anything from there.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The Sea Shepherd was there several times to try and stop this terrible tradition, they are not poor and hungry people that they need to do all this killing, makes me sick to my stomach.
It's barbaric if we keep going there won't be any whales left.
The Sea Shepherd tries so hard to save the whales. They are a great people.
I think we all grieve when we think of the loss each year. If we lost the whales all together it would be heartbreaking.

So far nothing seems to touch them and make them question what they do. I just hope the children, who will be exposed to the outside world through the internet, will question the killing and eventually stop it.

If the sight of that dead baby beside its mother doesn't move them then they must have hearts of stone.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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