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Deadly Selfies...why?
Why do people do it?  Why did they pull a shark from the water and selfie him to death. Who can forget the baby dolphin who died.  Why are people doing this. Why is it so important to get a picture with an animal that you would kill it or risk getting killed yourself?

The idea of selfies is a bit weird anyhow. You are taking a picture of yourself. Now it seems we have to have something else in the picture with us. People are using poor judgement and no common sense when they choose to do this. What did they think would happen to the shark?
They didn't think!
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I wonder if it does have anything to do with "wanting to be close to nature".

The animals in 'selfies' are basically props. Just something to add some sort of excitement or flavour to the self-taken picture which presumably will be shown on social media, or shown to friends etc.
It may rather be more about: "Look at me! Look what I'm wearing! Look at my hair! Look at the enviable location I am in! Look at the animal I have managed to corner which makes me look so much more interesting!" (?)

It may also be something to do with showing off; for instance making some kind of statement like, "Look at me! I can tame nature! I can get up close to a Bison/Shark/Lion....etc"

I am not saying we shouldn't use cell (mobile) phones, and I'm not saying a multi-tasking phone can't be useful. But so many people have become so attached to their phones, and so addicted to updating their social media pages, that they have 'lost the plot'.
Quote:I am not saying we shouldn't use cell (mobile) phones, and I'm not saying a multi-tasking phone can't be useful. But so many people have become so attached to their phones, and so addicted to updating their social media pages, that they have 'lost the plot'.
That says it so well.
I don't think it has anything at all to do with being close to nature.
It is more like they are making a "show" about their own lives and they are the only star. Everything else is props.
Think of selfie as a short form of the words "selfish me". You go everywhere and you only take pictures of yourself. How self centered is that?

Unfortunately animals have become the latest prop fad for self centered people. They are so self centered that they can't even notice that they are killing an animal. They barely notice when they get killed themselves.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I am guilty of a selfie...or 10. Back when I was a teenager though. I can't say I've ever taken a picture of myself with an animal though. I've had pictures taken of me with an animal, so is that kind of the same thing? This was all before the time of facebook and instagram etc.

The people who do these things to the animals like the dolphin and the shark and the turtle, it's just sickening. I think it's as you've both said and pretty much for the notoriety and the "look what I've done, envy me".
Everyone has to out-do someone these days.
And the TV ad for Western Australia at the moment, actually condoning and encouraging people to take selfies with Quokkas! I'm like wtf that's not how you sell responsible tourism.
We have all taken pictures and we sometimes have pictures of animals in them. When I have taken a picture of one of my animals as a selfie it was because I wanted a picture of the animal. I wanted to be in the picture because we have a relationship.
I don't think this is the same thing at all.

Selfies the way they have become is a fad that has people doing crazy things to get a selfie. They could be just fun, but they are not fun for the animals. People are trying to outdo each other.

I think it is irresponsible for tourists to be encouraged to take selfies with animals.  Things end badly for the animals in these situations.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

That's why I hate going to zoo and that's why I never visit Circus .. Just, I dont' know, people are so selfish and they don't think about animal feelings at all.
I certainly don't like trained animal shows. I just don't understand the whole selfie thing.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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