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Catherine attends a street festival
Good job Catherine! I bet you had a great weekend, even though you are tired out. Give yourself a treat and sleep as late as you want, and have some nice dreams! (Hope you have some time off work?)
It is so nice to be out there communicating with the general public about reptiles. I know you did a lot of good on Bloor Street this weekend.
There is so much misunderstanding about reptiles. People like you, and the Reptile centre help so much.
(You will probably be drinking water for two days! lol) Smiley4  But it was worth it.
You are right about the water. Smiley4

I had Monday off so I am catching up with my animals, after I gave myself a good night's sleep.
I went for groceries so the Guinea Pigs and I had a very good salad for supper. My dinner included hummus stuffed mushrooms. Yum.

It was worth all the work. We educated many people. We also let people know that we are there and can answer their reptile questions. That can save a reptile's life.  Just last week someone brought a dead turtle to show us. They wondered why he died. All they were feeding him was lettuce and he starved to death. His shell couldn't shrink, but his body could shrink inside the shell. It was a sad sight. If they had called us sooner we could taught them how to care for him and he might have lived.

Any chance to reach the public is worth it. We also visit local street/park  events with a few reptiles and do a bit of a show. If they ask we will do something.

[Image: 20160723_165310-1.jpg]

[Image: 20160723_200817-1.jpg]

I have a gecko painted on my arm. You can almost see it. I am holding an adult corn snake. Everyone loves corn snakes. They are so pretty and they are very friendly.

Smiley4 I have consumed another glass of water while typing this.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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