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When the owner is arrested, what about their pets?
Many so-called 'petty' crimes involving theft are drug-related. Many people who are reduced to this sort of crime are homeless or semi-homeless. Many of those do have dogs. That's a bit of a generalisation of mine, but from what I witnessed and experienced while 'rescuing' Misty, many petty criminals put their need for drugs before their thought for the dog (who is most often well loved as a special companion!)
They don't consider the risks. Of course they know they are there, but always figure luck will be on their side.
I never even asked or thought about all the dogs in that sad dog pound I went to to pick up Misty that day. It is likely many of them would have been there while their owner was incarcerated. Some are released after a number of hours, and have to face charges but aren't locked up for a long stretch straight away, so they can get their dog and make arrangements with friends for its 'care'.
But of course there are other heavier crimes involve with the drugs world, and some dogs are not that lucky.

It is really quite sad how the drug controls these people so strongly that they are willing to risk the things they hold most dear for their next hit.

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RE: When the owner is arrested, what about their pets? - by Tobi - 08-23-2016, 03:22 AM

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