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Pets responding to image in a mirror
Misty growled and barked at her reflection the first time she saw it. It took her by surprise! Then she sniffed round the back of the mirror. And from that moment on, showed no interest at all in her reflection, besides giving it a sideways glance the second time I put a mirror on the floor. I was never sure what she made of it...."I am such a cool dog that I know exactly what it is, but don't care.".....or "Okay I've seen that now. I know it's some illusion you are creating, but it's boring."

Sally-cat isn't interested at all. The first time I held a mirror up for her she did take a long look, however, but didn't hiss or anything. Now, she either knows it's her own reflection, or she thinks it's some trick I'm playing, but she certainly doesn't think it's another cat.

But some animals really do respond to their own reflections!

At the farm, up the hill from me, I saw a Goose staring at itself in a huge Victorian dressing-table mirror. I saw that numerous times. Eventually I saw the farmer's wife and asked her what was going on with the Goose and the mirror.
She told me his mate had passed away last year (aged 42!) And he went into a great decline. He didn't care about anything.
Then one day her husband saw him fascinated with his reflection in the patio windows.
So she put the old mirror out. And he spent time looking at himself. Then he really bucked up, and ate better and was much happier.
She is sure it's because he thinks it's another Goose. So he doesn't feel the loss of his mate so acutely, and isn't lonely any more.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Pets responding to image in a mirror - by LPC - 09-27-2016, 05:30 PM
RE: Pets responding to image in a mirror - by Tobi - 09-28-2016, 03:23 AM

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