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First time breeding leopard geckos
I've talked a bit on other threads but I haven't made an actual thread of it's own for this.

I have 2 leopard geckos now.  Jack 4yrs old, and Claire 3-4.  Jack is what I'm guessing is a carrot tail morph and Claire is a jungle tremper het. eclipse I believe.  Not 100% on the het.  I've been trying to get babies out of Claire for a couple years now but the gecko I had with her before, Charlie, I believe had something wrong and couldn't produce babies.   She laid a couple slug eggs shortly after pairing them but never again.  He passed in late May and I waited to give Claire time alone and to make sure she wasn't sick.  July 4th I paired Jack and Claire up and she looks like she's about to give me some eggs!  She's in shed now so if she gravid I should be expecting them week!  A pregnancy is 16-21 days.  Since I don't know exactly when they did the deed I just have to make my best guess.  I'm so excited!  I'll keep you posted!
This is exciting. Your first eggs. The reptiles seem to be very fertile this year so you should have success.
I am sure you have everything ready so all I can say is good luck and keep us posted. 

What do you have set up for her to lay her eggs in?
If she misses her nesting area, as long as they are not in the water dish they should still hatch. There is something amazing about watching reptiles hatch. They seem impossibly small and yet they know what to do to survive. Good luck and all the best to Claire.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

She has a moist box with coconut fiber. I keep it sprayed down and I'm checking it to make sure I don't miss them. Then I have a small cooler for the incubator. Gecko eggs are pretty hardy so as long as they are between 75-90 they will be fine. Which the house is around 70 anyways so any heating element I use will work.

I just hope she finally gives me viable eggs. Jack and Claire seem to really like each other so I'm hoping I get a few babies over time.
The coconut fiber is good stuff. Claire should like it. Now all you can do is wait. With reptiles you do a lot of waiting.
They are ready when they are ready and not  a moment sooner.

You should see signs of her digging when she is thinking of egg laying.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Photos, please!
Here are some pictures of Claire and Jack. Still no eggs yet. Claire is having an issue with some stuck shed on her foot so that was a good time to take pictures. If the eggs ever show up I'll have pictures of those.
*Funny thing I noticed is tumblr marked this post as NSFW. Apparently leopard geckos are not safe for work. Must be they are too cute and will cause a disruption with their adorable little face.

Here's them meeting for the first time. A little bit better pictures of Jack.

For those who aren't familiar Claire has a regrown tail. Which just means at some point she dropped her tail and over time it grows back like that. She came to me with her tail regrown. If I could I would show how much of a spaz she is when being held. My best guess is Claire was being a spaz, while being moved, the breeder wasn't being careful and grabbed her tail to try and hold her but she's a spaz and just dropped her tail to get away. She's getting better but she's just a crazy little turd. I'm able to actually hold her sometimes but she's still not a fan of being held. I can mess with her in the tank all day but lord don't pick her up.
They look cute!
Claire is very nice looking. Some of them don't like being held. I not only don't get to hold my Fire Skink, I almost never see him and he hatched at my place 13 years ago.
Claire's tail grew back very well. You really can't tell from the picture.

Jack is clearly interested in her. It is just a matter of time now and you will have the pitter patter of tiny gecko feet. They are so cute as babies! I can't wait to see what they produce.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Jack loves to just chill on my shoulder but Claire would jump and run if given the chance. She was an adult raised as a breeder prior to me getting her so she wasn't worked with much. I've bonded with her more Claire lately though so it's nice when she chills and sits on my hand.
Leopard geckos live a fairly long time so you should be able to win her over. Someday you will be able to sit with her on your hand.  They always do better if they were handled as babies, but they can still be tamed.

You have an empty tank with Charlie gone. You could keep your hatchlings or at least some of them.
That is special, when you have had a reptile from its egg.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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