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The cruelty of wildlife selfies
We all know of the dramatic baby dolphin selfies that resulted in the baby dolphins dying. Those were shocking tragic incidents.
Less well know is the fact that there is an ongoing wildlife tourism happening where animals are held so they can be used for selfies by tourists. The animals are kept in inhumane conditions. They suffer and then they die. It is a shocking misuse of a living creature.

The name selfie says it all. It is all about the self. There is little thought given to the animal used in the picture. 
Tourists have often had a bad reputation. They can be destructive of property. This time tourists are part of ongoing animal cruelty.  It is time tourists woke up and did what is right. 

Just say no the wildlife selfies! And while you are at it, quit putting graffiti on ancient monuments.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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