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Yulin Dog Meat festival is losing its popularity
It is time for the Yulin Dog Meat festival. Sadly the Chinese government has failed to stop it. However the festival is being protested in China and around the world. It is also less popular with the Chinese people.

A lot of work has been done to fight Yulin. A lot of dogs have been rescued. Sadly many will still die this year, but  many local people no longer eat dog meat and some have never eaten dog meat. It has been a hard fight and it is not over,  but there is progress. Ending Yulin will not stop the dog meat trade, but I think it will have a serious impact.  We need to keep pushing against it. Public opinion is a powerful tool in the internet age.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Yes it is coming up to that most terrible time of year again.
We have to keep the pressure on. Please everyone, sign anything you can find about this terrible "festival". Publicise it as much as possible and keep fighting.
Some sites have shocking images which some people find deeply upsetting because they are among the most horrible things mankind could ever dream up or do to another Soul.
ometimes I have to find a book to prop up against the laptop screen to shut out the pictures and only show the signing area. But I still work my way down the list and sign.
Please anyone who cares, do the same.
I certainly hope that this will be the last year for this horrific and incredibly cruel "festival". The good news this year is that many more Chinese people themselves are against the "festival". The bad news is that the Communist Chinese government watered down its proposals for fines, etc. because of the threat of civil unrest by the dog meat traders. The government has allowed itself to be blackmailed by a few powerful and rich dog meat traders. Yet if the protest had been political, you can be sure that the government would have cracked down with a fist of iron....

I feel nothing but sorrow for the countless dogs which will suffer being boiled alive, torched alive, etc. this year. Let us hope that Chinese public opinion will make the government ban the "festival" next year.
The government has given in to pressure from the dog meat dealers. They want to keep things peaceful.  However the movement amongst the people against Yulin is going to be a much larger upheaval. People are questioning a lot of things when they question Yulin. It is a rejection of animal cruelty. It is an acceptance of animals in their lives in a very different way. It is also a rejection of blindly following traditions no matter how terrible they are.

The final end to Yulin is going to come from within the country, but we can help by showing our support. 
I really hope this is the last year we have to protest Yulin. It is time for it to end.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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