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Stop YuLin petitions 2018 Please sign
Some petitions to stop the YuLin dog meat festival (2018 petitions)

Lady Freethinker:


Thank-you for finding the petitions. I have signed them all. I think the public pressure is having an effect.  We just have to keep pushing. Someday this will be something we talk about as a piece of history.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you, Tobi. We have had my son, his partner and my grandchild staying with us, so have had little time for forums recently. They have now returned, so I will do my best to find time for signing these petitions.
Some of those petitions are almost full, I noticed. But there will be a whole lot more. I'll take a look later. It does seem that keeping the pressure on might make a difference -eventually. The whole world is against this. We must keep going.

How nice, to be visited by your son and his family. I hope you all had a very nice time and the weather was beautiful for you.
That was nice you could have a family visit. Spring time must be beautiful where you live so it would have been the best time to have them with you.

There is still time to sign petitions. Some petitions will continue right through the festival.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Thank you both for your comments. Yes, it was great to see them, although we were exhausted afterwards. Owing to a plane cancellation at very short notice, I had to take them by car to a ferry port in the evening and only got home on Monday at 0H45!

I have now found time to sign all the petitions. Thanks again for the links, Tobi!
It's always so lovely to have guests, LPC....and always so lovely to have restored peace again when they go home! The steady tick of ordinary life is very nice.
I can just imagine how tired you must have been driving a long journey so late in the night. The oncoming traffic headlights are also tiring and dazzling. I hope you were able to have a little lie in or at least a good rest the next day.
That was bad they had a plane cancellation, but good thing there was an alternative. It must have been a tiring road trip, but there is something special about riding in a car. It is a great time to talk and have a last bit of a visit. I hope you are rested up now.

I am still a little tired from a drive to the airport to see someone off on a trip. 

Now we can get back to our normal lives.
There is something peaceful about the normal and ordinary.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I pray for those dogs every day,  and we are coming up to the Summer Solstice...

I also pray for the people who do this to them, and for the brave hard working rescuers. One day we will see this end. I have hope for it.

Blessings to those dogs Heart
I know the rescuers are doing everything they can. The people protesting are working as hard as they can.
Still some dogs will die this year. I wish we could save them. Every year I hope it is the last time this happens.
We have to believe that some day it will be the last and this will end.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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