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Rough winter for animals
It's great that the humane society is helping strays. I am glad to hear that. But who could just leave their dogs outside for long periods of time in that sort of weather? Do they mean turned out into their gardens, or yards unsupervised?

Sled dogs are used to it but not many other breeds. Dogs' feet can get terribly damaged by ice too. They might look a bit funny but boots for dogs are necessary in severe weather like that.

Well it's Spring Equinox in 2 days! Hopefully your Spring will come soon.
It has been an extremely severe winter over there, and in many areas of the US as well.

Here it was the exact opposite. For the first time in my life-memory (!) there was NO FROST during the winter. As Spring flowers grow now quite naturally -UNnaturally, Marigolds are in flower! They usually flower late summer/ Autumn. What happened is they were not killed by frost, and are now in bloom at totally the wrong time of year. But I suppose it is all good news for the bees, who need everything they can find right now.

Messages In This Thread
Rough winter for animals - by Catherine - 03-18-2014, 03:40 PM
RE: Rough winter for animals - by Tobi - 03-19-2014, 08:34 AM
RE: Rough winter for animals - by Catherine - 03-19-2014, 02:52 PM

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