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750 older sheep in risk of being killed
I have signed, and I do hope this works, and the charity will be able to continue to safeguard those sheep.

On that note, I visited the flock of sheep in the far part of the orchard at Easter. Those are the same sheep to whom I brought much needed water during a heatwave last summer. They have been moved since then, but re-appeared in that little orchard late February, with their lambs.
I heard such a commotion...I could hear the sheep even from my house, which has to be at least 3/4 mile away. There were still some lambs with the ewes, but many ewes were pacing, continually calling, wandering around, looking everywhere....
The ewes were basically shouting at the top of their voices.
This noise went on for at least 2 days. Constantly -even at night.
These ewes with their lambs had not made that noise before in over 2 months of them all being there.

I stood against the gate and watched them carefully for a long time.

Then -I think- I understood. I think some of the lambs had been taken away. We know why.
Not all of them had gone however.

Watching those ewes, who must be desperately looking for their little ones day and was very upsetting indeed. One ewe was not even bothering to call out. She sat still, probably exhausted.

Yes -they have feelings too. And their bonds with their young are bonds of deep affection.

Sorry for the sad story. I just needed to say it today.

Messages In This Thread
750 older sheep in risk of being killed - by LPC - 04-23-2014, 10:10 PM
RE: 750 older sheep in risk of being killed - by Tobi - 04-24-2014, 09:04 AM

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