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Right Whale calving season success
It seems 2021 is a good year for Right Whale births. After a disastrous year of losses in 2017 and low birth numbers since then, 2021 seems to be turning things around. There have been 14 births so far. There are less than 400 of these whales left and only 100 breeding age females. Fourteen healthy calves is a very good year.
The article has a link that lets you see pictures of this year's moms and babies.

This is happy news. Much is being done to help the Right Whales survive. Shipping is restricted in areas where the whales are being injured by ship strikes. The whales are being monitored and helped if they get tangled in discarded fishing gear. It is a conservation effort that could be enough to save a species. 
In a world where species are going extinct and biodiversity is threatened, saving one species is a victory and we really need victories.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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