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Yulin Dog meat festival
Yes it is that time of year again and the festival is happening. In spite of the pandemic and in spite of the government being against it, many dogs will be killed and eaten.
Activist groups are there in Yulin working to save as many animals as they can, but sadly many dogs will be cruelly killed and eaten.

There are still years more work before this can be stopped. Dog meat is increasingly being rejected by the younger generations, but it will take time to change things enough to stop this. Each year the festival declines, but still it goes on. We just have to keep pushing so that one day there is no Yulin festival. 
Some day there will be no dog meat industry. Until then we have to keep pushing against it and keep spreading the word. Public opinion is powerful. It may be the only force that stops this kind of cruelty.  Government bans certainly are not helping.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The Chinese Government, very powerful when it wants to be (e.g. suppressing criticism or protest), could easily introduce a national law banning the eating of dog meat. But it won't.
Quote:The Chinese Government, very powerful when it wants to be (e.g. suppressing criticism or protest), could easily introduce a national law banning the eating of dog meat. But it won't.
You are right. If the government actually wanted to stop this they would do it. 
They act like they want it stopped, but they don't actually do it.
It will have to be the people who put a stop to this.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

What I don't understand is, this dog meat eating "festival" is recent, not an old tradition or traditional medicine.
So why can't they stop it as easily as they started it? It's a modern trend.

And why on earth are they continuing with a crowded venue like this with Covid all over the place? Madness, apart from the most wicked and unimaginable suffering.

It's either: something to do with lining someone's pockets. Or, it's a way of upsetting westerners....for what purpose I don't know. My biggest bet is that it's something to do with lining "someone's" pockets.

I send my prayers and heartfelt blessings for all those dogs and cats. Their way out of this world is the cruellest iimaginable, but once they are gone they are in a much, much better world. I always hope that the victims will leave their bodies very quickly before the worst of the tortures. It can and does happen. It's a Grace.
But that doesn't vindicate the perpetrators who will have to answer some day for what they have done to innocent Souls.
Quote:It's either: something to do with lining someone's pockets. Or, it's a way of upsetting westerners....for what purpose I don't know. My biggest bet is that it's something to do with lining "someone's" pockets.
It is always about the money. This may be a way of stimulating the economy of the area. It is probably about profit on a more local level. Isn't money the reason
the festival was started in the first place. As long as someone in power is making money, it will be hard to shut it down.

The younger generation is not in favour of the festival or eating dog meat. They are the ones who have pets. As the old ones die out and the younger generation takes over, the whole dog meat industry should decline. sadly many animals will suffer and die until that happens.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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