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Could dogs be used to prevent school shootings
It has been proposed by the owner of Baden K9 that trained dogs might be the answer to violence in the schools. The company trains dogs for home protection and other work. Dogs would be aware of who is in the school and would react to a dangerous situation. The presence of a dog would make many of the children feel safe. The company has been getting inquiries.

This is a possibility that could work. Arming the teachers would just make them the first target in a shooting. Too many of the teachers would not be good with guns and that might make them more of a danger. Dogs would probably sense trouble before it even starts. This is a possibility that should be considered.
Something needs to be done.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It is so sad that we have to resort to putting dogs in harm's way, but it may be one of the only options... Thoughts and prayers to all the children and families who have been victims of such tragedies.
The real answer would be to make the possession of guns subject to a rigorous check first (in the UK, the Police investigate and interview every applicant). The applicant has to have a valid reason for wanting a firearm: e.g. owing land and wanting to control so-called vermin. This is followed - if the application is successful - by the issuance of a licence.

I do not see why dogs should be used to deal with crazy armed people and have their lives put at great risk. The crazy people should never be allowed to have a gun in the first place. Humans in the USA and other gun-crazy countries are to blame for the shootings. So it is humans who need urgently find an answer from their own resources, without having to use another species as gun-fodder.

To be honest, I don't understand the American attachment to guns. They are dangerous, often deadly, items to have. Here's just one example of this gun-crazed culture: 5 people were shot to death in New York City in about 48 hours! And nothing gets done - just "thoughts and prayers":
You are right, the problem is the guns. No dog should ever be put in harms way because people won't give up their guns.
I guess I have assumed they will never give up their guns. There is even talk of arming teachers. Dogs just seemed like a safer alternative.

Canada looked at some of the latest mass shootings in the USA and we have banned certain types of guns in Canada.

I don't know all the details of our gun laws. I know there are strict rules about safe storage and they are licensed. 

Maybe the world should consider banning guns. Too much of the world's resources go into making guns. Instead of guns, they could make something useful.
I have gone my whole life and never needed a gun. Most of us have never needed a gun. Too many children have died while at school because of guns.
School is becoming the most dangerous place for a child in some areas. Leave the dogs alone and get rid of the guns.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

On one hand, I would be ecstatic if I was a kid in school and they introduced trained dogs at my school. On the other hand, I feel like this is just another way to distract from the real issue. That issue is guns getting into the wrong hands.

I can see how Fox news would think this is a good idea. Fox News gets money from the NRA. Anything other than actually putting laws in place to keep guns out of the hands of unstable people. I live in one of the states that did away with concealed carry permits. It's honestly terrifying. I'm so over thoughts and prayers. The kicker is the majority of us here do want more laws but because the NRA has their hand in all these big businesses and government officials' pockets (including my Senators, unfortunately) to the point we can get these laws passed. It's so frustrating! I could keep going on and on but I will say it's wild how the "Christians" are the ones behind it all. Christain Nationalists want the ability to kill anyone they don't agree with. The hypocrisy is astronomically off the charts.
I hear you and I agree  with you totally. I have never understood why the guns are so important to certain groups. 

It might benefit the schools to have emotional support dogs. I think the children and teachers need them. I wouldn't want the dogs to be at risk.
They should ban the guns and let the dogs come to the schools to make the kids feel safer. Everyone would be safer and happier.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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