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Women stops for ducks convicted of dangerous driving
I knew that the motorbike was speeding and therefore could not stop in time. I think that it is the responsibility of a driver to be able to stop on time if the vehicle in front stops. When you rear-end a car you are considered at fault and are expected to pay damages. I will see if I can find out what the law is in this case. One other issue is the fact that the Motor Bikes were new and so the driver was unfamiliar with his machine.

Tobi you are right, she might have stopped for any number of reasons. Her car might have stalled. She should have put on her hazard lights, but if she had just stopped, there would not have been time. The Bike was not prepared to stop given the road conditions. Perhaps he was a bit too close as well.

I did not know that the Judge instructed the Jury to ignore that fact that the motor bike was speeding. He was going quite fast. I would think, no matter what the sentence, she should win an appeal. The Judge appears to want a conviction and has rejected any evidence that might prevent it. I think the fact that a child died is part of the bias, but it shouldn't be. Also the reason for her stopping should not be so big a factor in the outcome of the trial.

If I had been on that Jury, I could not have voted guilty.

I think the petition will help and it certainly tells Czornobaj that she has supporters. That should help her get through this.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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RE: Women stops for ducks convicted of dangerous driving - by Catherine - 07-23-2014, 02:52 PM

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