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Hello everyone

Hi, I’m Amy and I pretty much have a zoo at home, I am looking for likeminded people to share my excitement and my journey as I go.

I have 2 dogs 

Marley (Staffie)
Luna (Siberian husky)
Tigs or tiggy (cat 22years old)
Spike (bearded dragon)
Ariel & professor Eugenius (two betta fish named by my kids)
Swim Shady or slim for short (Rubberlipped pleco)
Lots of blue dream cherry shrimp
Sushi, sashimi, soy, wasabi and a baby called Houdini (corydoras, Houdini is a baby and  there could be more babies hiding)
Sunshine, gent, jaws, buddy and mr fancy (guppies)
Comet and splodge (shubunkins)
Harvey, Kai and predator (koi carp)

And many passed on family members and outdoor friends, harry the house sparrow and his gf plus their eggs which live in a bird house that has a camera in it.

I have been trying to add picture of my gang but it keeps telling me File too large so any advice much appreciated.
Welcome to the forum. You have quite an animal family.
I have a few different animals. I have a couple of bearded dragon sisters, Nancy and Lacy. I have Cocoa Bear the guinea pig.
I have others,  birds and lizards and corn snakes. I must do a post again about my gang.

I had koi and Shubunkins years ago. I still miss them. They are beautiful fish and more intelligent than people think.

Are you trying to post pictures one at a time or as a group? I am not our most technical admin so I might need to ask someone else.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Hi Catherine, lovely to meet you! Do your beardie sisters live in the same tank? I really want an outside aviary, I am in love with birds. I would love to see pictures of your animal family. The koi pond is so relaxing, I sit by it every morning with my cuppa, they are super friendly too and suck my fingers if I let them.

I was trying to post one at a time with no joy.
My beardie girls are together in one big tank. They like each other's company. They are really good about sharing their vegetables and their dish of meal worms.
An outdoor aviary would be beautiful. I can't even consider it where I am. It is much too hot in the summer and much too cold in the winter.
I have a nice big cage that sits on my bay window. The morning sun shines in, but not right on them. It is perfect.
A friend of mine has a pet store and I take any animals that have problems.
Rusty the canary sings his heart out much of the day.
Chirp is a Society finch and she does a little chirpy song. She was part of a set of society finches, but all her tail feathers are gone so no one wanted her. So I have her. Pickle the green budgie had a stroke years ago so I brought him home. He wasn't even conscious, but he woke up and has thrived. Pepper my new green female budgie was the last of a set of budgies and no one wanted her because she didn't look good. Now that she is with my group she looks so much better. Pickle grooms her and fusses over her and that seems to be what she needed. My four little rescues are a happy family of birds and they all like each other.

A koi pond would be lovely. You must really enjoy it. They are a friendly fish and I think they like people. I would love to see your pond.

I am having problems posting pictures. You need an URL from an online site for your pictures. They won't post from your computer directly. The site I was posting from is gone. It is the one glitch in the forum software that I didn't didn't notice at the time I choose it. I need to test and see what ways I can get things to post. Then I can post my pictures too. I will work on this.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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