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Goats in the City Inc to be employed by Toronto
Toronto will be using Goats in the City Inc to provide a herd to clear vegetation in the Don River Valley around Evergreen Brickworks.
It is a pilot project and they will be closely monitored as they clear invasive species from certain areas.

The Don River is our big river on the east side of the city. Evergreen Brickworks is and old brickworks and quarry turned eco-site.
There are ponds and pathways. They hold events there and have farmers markets and they sell native plants.
It is one of my favourite places in the city. The little cafe serves one of the best ginger cookies I have ever eaten.

The area is one of the release points for endangered Blanding's turtles that are being hatched and raised by the Toronto Zoo.

I love the fact that they are going to be using goats to clear the invasive plants. It is so much the way they do things at Evergreen Brickworks.
The goats will do the job and they will not damage the ecosystem or pollute or anything negative.

If this goes well maybe the city will employ the goats to clear other areas with invasive plant problems.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

This article has goat pictures. They are such fine looking goats. I wish I had the day off so I could go and see them.

If this goes well we could have goats all over the city. They already have the Canada Geese eating the grass in some parks. Why not have goats for the difficult weeds and steep areas.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

The goats are  hard at work.

This is so important. Think of how much better goats are for the environment than gas powered mowers. Instead of more pollution they leave the land in better shape. They harm nothing. If we used them all over the city it would be a very good thing and so much fun to watch.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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