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Tell French Connection to stop selling Angora Wool
Please sign the petition to tell French Connection to stop using Angora wool.

Warning -this petition contains a disturbing picture and information.
(10-06-2014, 09:38 AM)Tobi Wrote: Please sign the petition to tell French Connection to stop using Angora wool.

Warning -this petition contains a disturbing picture and information.

Signed. Got my boyfriend to sign aswell.

"And ye harm none, do what ye will" ~ Wiccan Rede
Signed and hopefully shared on Facebook.

I had no idea the Angora industry was like this. I guess I should have known. It follows the same standards as other animal industries.

Since angora is so fine it is used for children and baby things(isn't it?)
Why would you want your child to wear the product of animal suffering.

Are we unable to do anything without cruelty?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Just signed. Appalling cruelty, which French Connection seem quite prepared to pay for - as long as it makes profits for them. Ultimately, the answer is for people to stop buying these products. Then shops would not sell them.

I never liked this company. It uses the rather crude trading acronym on their T-shirts of "FCUK" (meant to be French Connection UK - but appealing to young people because the word could be construed otherwise). It is actually a British company, and is called French Connection because a film with the same name appeared a year before the company was founded (I learned this from Wikipedia).
Yes many large companies use unethical methods with no care or compassion. It's probably for many reasons -one, the sheer size of the company, and how everything has to be done in a 'big' way (thus no time or gentle caring treatment of animals) -and two... profits first.

But slavery and suffering and torture of any Soul, whether that Soul be rabbit, or human-shaped is never the way to go. For ANY reason.
I was unaware of their history and I didn't realize that was their T-shirt. They have been around a long time then.

The only hope for change is economic pressure. If publicity can get people to boycott their products then they would listen. They would do it for the money, but it is the best we can hope for. Only a few companies ever change because it is the right thing to do.

What kind of person goes to work every day knowing they are going to be cruel to an animal and they are okay with that. I wonder what they are like in the other areas of their lives.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I've signed....

As you say Catherine, what sort of person ...

One would have to have a stone for a heart not to 'see' that rabbit's distress, and the fear and sorrow in its eyes.
To be a part of that, to profit from it .... Shameful.
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
It can't be possible to inflict cruelty on an animal without somehow being damaged in return.

People must lose the ability to feel and have empathy or perhaps they never had it. Either way it would be an impoverished life that is cold and barren. On some level they know what they are doing is wrong. If they don't then they are even more dead.

We need the whole planet to wake-up and see what we are doing and recognize that it is wrong to be cruel to those who are helpless and vulnerable.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Indeed, cruelty is corrosive and dehumanising. It's as if there is an invisible barrier and once stepped over almost anything can be 'justified'. And we are seeing a macrocosm of this in Iraq and Syria.
Heart It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.Heart
Quote:Indeed, cruelty is corrosive and dehumanising. It's as if there is an invisible barrier and once stepped over almost anything can be 'justified'. And we are seeing a macrocosm of this in Iraq and Syria.

I suppose the whole world is struggling with this. We are trying to bring ourselves out of time when the world lacked compassion. Gradually people are becoming aware and changing, but it is slow and there are setbacks.

What is happening in Iraq and Syria is a set back.

The fact that some people question treating rabbits this way is a step in the right direction. We have to succeed in the end, because the alternative is unthinkable.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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