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Sugar Glider
(02-23-2014, 04:31 PM)Catherine Wrote: If you wait long enough you can have anything you want. It is just a matter of patient planning. Ice cube trays for frozen food? Do you do a food mix of some kind for a sugar glider? I do a fruit mix for the skinks and geckos and I freeze it. You can put the stuff in small plastic bags, one serving size or even a two day helping.
I also get a dried food. I just mix it with a little water and serve it. They all love it. Is there a dried food option for Sugar Gliders?

What is in their food anyhow? I have never looked up what they eat.

March will be here and gone soon enough. It just gives you enough time to get ready for the new baby.Heart

they need fruits and veggies. the dry food is an oatmeal base and they also eat meal worms (which I already buy for my gecko) The ice cube tray is a neat idea I saw where you pre-mix all the veggies and fruit together and put them in the ice cube try and each meal they get one cube. That way when you don't have time to prep a meal you can just grab it from the freezer and let it defrost before they wake up. they can also eat dog food lol

That is a good video. You will need to do like I do for some of my lizards. I do a mix for them and then freeze it. I give a little each day and then some insects. They are doing very well with that kind of feeding.
You will work out what goes in the mix. The ice cube trays are a good idea and I have used them. You can even put vitamins in the mix. There are probably good recipes on the internet.
The protein stuff she uses sounds good. I think the monkey biscuit is a bit high in fat, unless they have changed the recipe.

Sugar gliders are a bit of work, but if you plan well you can make it easier and still feed your pet well. I find I feel closer to my lizards because I actually "cook" for them. I have more of a sense of what they like and dislike. They love the dried Gecko food. I wonder if there is a dried sugar glider food?
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

(02-24-2014, 05:30 PM)Catherine Wrote: That is a good video. You will need to do like I do for some of my lizards. I do a mix for them and then freeze it. I give a little each day and then some insects. They are doing very well with that kind of feeding.
You will work out what goes in the mix. The ice cube trays are a good idea and I have used them. You can even put vitamins in the mix. There are probably good recipes on the internet.
The protein stuff she uses sounds good. I think the monkey biscuit is a bit high in fat, unless they have changed the recipe.

Sugar gliders are a bit of work, but if you plan well you can make it easier and still feed your pet well. I find I feel closer to my lizards because I actually "cook" for them. I have more of a sense of what they like and dislike. They love the dried Gecko food. I winder if there is a dried sugar glider food?

I need to start collecting recipes and I'll ask what recipes he uses to feed him already. That way he doesn't get a shock when I bring him home. And yes it's a boy I just found out today. I haven't seen any sugar glider anything at the pets stores around my house. But I think I'll manage.
Maybe you can get a small supply of food from the breeder. Getting the recipe would help. It is always best to stay with the same kind of food. The animal knows what it is and it is easier on the digestion.

You may have to search for supplies. Are there online sources. Lots of places ship stuff these days. You could look for a reptile store. They tend to carry food for more exotic pets.

Can you visit the little guy before you get him so he will know you?
This is so exciting. You really have waited a long time and now finally you are getting a sugar glider. Smiley34Smiley3287Big Grin
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

they live about 55 minutes away from me so it's hard to meet outside of work but I'm going to try and see if I can meet him a couple times. If they still intend on me taking him. or at least I'll give them a towel that has my smell on it so he can get used to my smell. I found some pellet food online its about $12 for 22oz. I won't get it until I know I'm for sure getting him though. I'm trying to not get too excited until I'm bringing the little guy home.
The towel is a good idea. He will know your scent when he meets you.
It sounds like it is a bit far for regular visits. Even one visit would be good, but you might not be able to do it. I am sure he will still be fine with you.

Is that a good price for pellet food? I can't picture how much 22 oz would be. How much would a sugar glider eat in a day? I guess you will figure these things out when you actually have the little guy.

I hear you. You want to be excited, but you don't want to get to excited just in case this doesn't work out. Keep us posted.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Do not agree with this. at. all. They are not dogs.
Quote:Do not agree with this. at. all. They are not dogs.

You don't like sugar gliders as pets or you don't like the kind of food?Huh
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Both. This whole thing has me seeing red. It disgusts me how America thinks they can turn any animal into a pet.
(03-04-2014, 06:01 PM)platy Wrote: They are not dogs.

That logic doesn't make since. Dogs were once wild animals. So were cats, horses, hamsters, goats, cows... all domestic animals (on this ENTIRE forum) were once wild before they were domesticated. Like the other animals, sugar gliders bring us, humans, into their family units and consider us part of their family or colony. Making life as a pet much easier on them. Which is why the other animals like the dog (wolf) was sought out for companionship by humans. Some animals are better at being domesticated than others I can't argue that. They aren't endangered or dangerous to keep. Other than the occasional escape attempt to climb around the room, Sugar gliders aren't that difficult especially in the right situation with an owner that has the knowledge and time to care for them properly.

I'm sorry you don't feel the same. Maybe it's best you stay away from this thread. I'm NOT going to argue with you. I wont be changing my mind. I've done my research and when I do get a sugar glider it will be in very good hands. And I will continue to post.

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