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Sorry I haven't been here much lately
You must have some spectacular bruising on your foot and ankle. Breaks usually bruise very badly.
I am glad you are getting some rest. Your body must need it. Hopefully it will stop hurting as soon as the swelling goes down.

The new kind of cast sounds pretty good, for a cast. You can at least make some adjustments. Still, no one wants to wear a cast.
I hope you don't have to wear it too long.
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I have bleeding under the skin on my foot and toes and sides of my feet. That's what the Orthopedic doctor said it was. I wonder if it's because I take Pravastatin to lower my cholesterol. I'm going to ask him next week. I also have bruises on my leg. I always thought those steps could be treacherous to fall down and now I know for sure. They are high, steep and concrete. I am hoping to get some groceries today if my friend wants to go shopping for me. I don't have much in the refrigerator.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I don't know if Pravastatin causes bleeding. I know there is usually a lot of bruising with a break. Will it slow down healing if you have bleeding like that.
I hope your friend can get you some groceries. It may be a while before you can shop. Concrete steps would be bad because they are so hard. No wonder you broke you foot.

I hope things start to ease a little for you.  Take care and get lots of rest.
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Thanks Catherine. You are such a caring person. He did my grocery shopping yesterday but I didn't tell him everything I need so he'll have to go again. I let him use my car. My foot is hurting less but is still somewhat painful. I can walk on it without the cast a little but I'm not supposed to. I got my mail with my cast off and let Suzy out to go #1. I didn't call my friend today because he upset me yesterday. Sometimes he says mean things to my Danny bird. I know Danny doesn't know what he is saying but I do and it bothers me. He called Danny a bad bird and I told him Danny is a good bird and not to say that. He had also called Danny a whimp. I don't know why he says such things to a little tiny bird. Makes me mad.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
I don't know why people do silly things like call a bird names. I would feel a little uneasy about a friend who did that. I think that is why I seldom have people in my place. I protect my animals and I would be upset if anything was said or done.

Your friend probably doesn't mean any harm, but he doesn't really understand. You respect your birds and would never say anything unkind to them. You certainly don't want anyone else to say anything unkind.

I am glad you are getting around a little. Remember, don't overdo it. It is better to take your time and recover once than to do damage again and have to recover all over again. Nothing can make it heal faster. Time and rest are the only way.
Look after yourself and by spring you will be as good as new.
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I got mad when my friend called Danny a bad bird. I know Danny can't understand but he senses that Jeff doesn't like him or seems not to like him. I defended Danny and said no he is not a bad bird he is a good bird and so is Bailee. We didn't speak yesterday but today we talked. I am going to keep on defending Danny and if he keeps on saying those things I'm not going to have him over or I will put the sheet over the bird cage when he is here. I feel bad for Danny bird having a hard time this year with losing Lucy bird. I am so glad he has Bailee now, he seems very happy and Bailee has adjusted well to her new home.

As for my foot I was able to take the cast off for awhile and put on my tennis shoes with it laced extremely loose and I could walk okay down the steps and to my car so I went to the store, and I also walked Suzy last night and tonight in my tennis shoes. The top of my foot started hurting so I have the boot back on.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Your friend should respect the fact that you don't like him saying things about your animals. I wouldn't let a friend say anything about my animals. When he is in your home he should follow your rules. I wouldn't cover the bird. I would throw a cover over the person who insulted the bird.
I tend to not have people over because I don't want to give them a chance to even comment on my animals. I am as protective as you. Our pets mean a lot to us.

I am glad you can walk a bit. If you can do your own shopping it will really help. Suzy will be so glad you can take her out. 
Just remember to not push it too far to fast. After you walk a little make sure you rest your foot. Soon enough you will be healed and back to normal. It is great the progress you have made.
Take care and rest after each walk. Your foot will thank you.
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I am sorry you are going through all this, Ruth! What a start to the New Year! I hope that the rest of the year will bring you some brighter happier things.

Maybe Danny isn't a "bad bird" at all! Maybe Danny just doesn't like your friend! Animals don't feign politeness. And for some people, there is nothing worse than being disliked by a Creature! They sense that animals see deep down!

Danny could be being protective of you. They are not stupid, and sometimes they develop a strong bond with a caretaker of the opposite sex. Danny may view you as a kind of partner! (lol! but true!) He may be warning away male intruders! 

Statins, as far as I know can cause pain in muscles. But you don't take Warfarin or Heparin, or other 'clot busting drugs' do you for something else? Or eat huge amounts of garlic? They can cause bleeding and bruised looking patches.

Nettle tea, or Nettle soup (stinging nettles) can sometimes help, and is generally safe and not known for serious drug interactions. But mention it to your doctor first.

I'm sorry your foot is in a bad way. I hope it will heal soon.

Recipe for nettle soup!

1 jug-full of fresh nettle tops (picked with gloves on! LOL)....and chopped.
2 onions finely chopped.
2 good-sized potatoes also very finely cut. The 'floury' type of white potato is best, not new ones.
Black pepper
Favourite stock.

Fry the onions with the potato pieces in your favourite oil, until starting to turn brown, then add the stock, and the chopped nettles. Finally add black pepper -as much as you like. Or you can use cayenne pepper if preferred. Simmer 15 minutes, or until potatoes go soft. This can be put through a blender or eaten just as it is.....nice. And very cheap.
Danny acts the same way with my friend that he acts with me. Danny only woke Bailee up when she was sleeping and that's why Jeff said he's a bad bird. He was trying to reprimand him. I told Jeff to treat Danny and Bailee equally like I do and that they are both good birds. My friend was over tonight and brought me a gift, a really nice blanket that Suzy is laying on now, she loves it and so do I. He didn't say anything to the birds and I was glad. He is going to buy me some groceries tomorrow he said, that is really nice of him. So he is trying to act better.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
He must have realized he upset you. I am glad he is acting better. I think people without pets often do not understand how we feel about them.

I am glad he will help with your groceries. You still need to stay off your feet for a few more weeks.  Lucky Suzy that she got a new blanket to lie on.

Take care and rest. You will be on your feet soon enough.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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