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Farewell to Raven
That sounds like a good idea to get him another female. They do seem to like the comfort of a group. Smile
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
David and Jenna both ate so they are getting back to normal. Snakes don't talk much so I really have to read their body language to understand how they feel.   I am so glad that David has Jenna. She is a rehome, but she is also one of my babies. Someone returned her when she was three.  She is a beautiful girl. Their loss my gain and David's gain.

I will never understand people returning pets of any kind.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I don't understand it either. Maybe they were impulsive when they got it. I don't know but I think long and hard before I get a pet now.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Some people think they want a pet. Once they have it they find that it takes work to care for it. Or they just lose interest. I don't understand. Sure it is work, but I am also bonded with my pets so the work is worth it.

Maybe they are unable to bond with anything. Would you want someone like that as a friend.
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I got my first bird impulsively but I got lots of books to learn to care for him. I never got tired of him and did my best.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Even though you bought your bird on impulse, you took it seriously. You did your best and you considered it a commitment.
Some people have a pet for a while and then they want to move on to a different pet.  I will never understand that.
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I never knew how much I could love a bird until I got Lenny. I was so close to him. I hand fed him millet and so he would always want a bite of my sandwiches or food on the plate and he'd take a little bite of it. He was the sweetest bird I ever had. I love all my birds but he was my first and very very special to me.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Your first pet is special. I still remember my first snake. He died young, of a stroke. It was a terrible shock.  He was a beautiful snake. He will always be special to me.
Bunny and Mumsie my first hamsters have a special place in my heart.

Emma  my first skink will always be my favourite.  The video in the rainbow bridge thread was made for me when Emma died.
I still cry when I listen to it.
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Yes, we remember our first pets well. They will always be in our hearts and all of our pets will be in our hearts forever. I had a breakdown over losing Lenny. I was in the hospital just wailing and calling his name. He was the a great little bird. After I wailed over Lenny I started feeling better.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
It is important to express grief and do something when a pet dies. I have a place where I bury my lost pets. I usually plant things over the graves so when I see the beauty, the flowers, I am reminded of my pets.
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