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Protein Sources
Yes, my system goes out of whack when I have too much sugar or salt, too. My doctor keeps telling me I am pre-diabetic and I am waiting for her to tell me that I am diabetic so then I will have something to worry about. lol. I have to watch fat intake as well, I have a fatty liver and if I don't reduce my fat intake I am going to be in trouble. My new diet is going better.

I started having some of my Tofurky deli creations. The one I have is called Italian Deli and it is meat free. It tastes okay but don't know if I like it all that much. I liked the Yves meat free balogna.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
Bread doesn't need to have added sugar. We have gotten so used to extra salt and sugar that we want it in everything.
Most breads only need the sugar that the yeast feeds on. It should all be used up by the time it is cooked.

I am lucky, I can get salt free nuts. I leave salt out of most things and I choose the lower sugar options.  Artificial sweeteners are much worse for you. Studies are coming out that indicate that they are dangerous. It is better to learn to eat less sugar.

Ruth, if you can keep your sugar intake down and watch your weight you may never develop diabetes. When we carry extra pounds our cells become resistant to insulin. A  healthy diet can change that. A healthy diet can protect your liver. Reducing salt in the diet can bring the blood pressure down.

We are what we eat and our health is what we eat.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I know all about what I need to eat but just don't always do it. It's like I'm daring fate to do something bad to me. Food is the only thing I really enjoy in life, besides my pets.
[Image: SIKJY9t.jpg] [Image: yRhDAiH.jpg]                                                                                            
The people I do home care with have late stage effects of eating badly.  I get to see what happens to a diabetic body, especially one that is still being fed sugar.  I have been with people who have failing hearts after a life time of unhealthy eating and lack of exercise.
I see all of it and I am careful of what I eat. If I am tempted to do otherwise, I have plenty of images in my mind of what can happen to the body. Somehow cream  puffs lose their appeal when I am reminded of rotting toes.

I don't like to temp fate because I know what fate will do.

I am not tempted to smoke either. I have watched people die of lung cancer and emphysema.

I wish they would train people to eat better when they are in school. They would have a better chance at good health if they started sooner. The good habits might stick as well.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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