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Sugar Glider
I guess so. very disappointing though. Although I wouldn't be against getting one from the second... litter...? I think that's what they are called. I don't know. We'll see I guess.
As long as you have the set up you can take one as soon as it is available. If they have a second litter that would be good wouldn't it. The parents were nice. It just might take time, but you will get your sugar glider. When you finally bring it home you are going to be so happy. Sometimes waiting is worth it.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I beginning to think that Lilly the mom is older than they think. She had to babies and they are doing well. I have a picture I'll have to post tomorrow if I remember. They have hair now. the first picture I saw they didn't have hair yet. I think the babies stay with their mom for about 3 months and then they can be sent to new homes. I know they want to keep a girl. I think I'm the only one seriously interested in one right now. So I'll get which ever one is left.
Fantastic. You will have your sugar glider in a matter of weeks. You don't care if you take a male do you? I imagine they make just as good a pet. Do post pictures. It is fun to see babies growing and know what a future pet looked like as a tiny baby.
I can't wait to hear about it all.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I'd be happy with male or female. If I got a male I'd get him fixed tho. Cause the sent glands can have kind of a bad smell if unfixed.
I didn't know they had scent glands. It would make sense to have a male fixed. Do you have a vet that would know how to deal with a sugar glider?

So how soon would they be ready?
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I think so I'd have to ask. we do have one vet office that deals with all kinds of exotics. Even hawks and other wild life. So I'd think sugar gliders would be on the list too.
How soon do you think you can get the sugar glider? You must be so excited. You have wanted one for a long time now.

Do you have the whole set up ready? That is going to be one lucky sugar glider.Smiley1
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

I haven't put it all together but I have all the necessary equipment. I still need is an ice cube tray for frozen food but I won't get that until I have the little critter. I need a sand paper running wheel but I have a regular wheel until I can find the other and small clips to lock the doors on the cage. It should be the end of March before I get him/her though. I am excited! It's been almost 9 years since I took care of the one at school and I've wanted one ever since. It's crazy to think it's been that long.
If you wait long enough you can have anything you want. It is just a matter of patient planning. Ice cube trays for frozen food? Do you do a food mix of some kind for a sugar glider? I do a fruit mix for the skinks and geckos and I freeze it. You can put the stuff in small plastic bags, one serving size or even a two day helping.
I also get a dried food. I just mix it with a little water and serve it. They all love it. Is there a dried food option for Sugar Gliders?

What is in their food anyhow? I have never looked up what they eat.

March will be here and gone soon enough. It just gives you enough time to get ready for the new baby.Heart
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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