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Please help us save our dog!
Thank you for your update Lindsey. Poor Chance! I think he will be happy to be home, but let's hope the new medication will help him stabilise. He probably does feel very weird right now. Lots of love to him.

Are the vets sure this isn't late-onset epilepsy? That can happen, you know, and is treatable pharmaceutically. Sometimes a dog can have serial seizures as a result without there being a brain tumour....
When Chance first had a seizure (Feb 26th) and we took him to the emergency vet, he was started on an anti convulsion medication because they were treating it as idiopathic epilepsy. They were a littles skeptic of him having epilepsy because he's 7, and normally dogs that develop epilepsy are 6 and younger. When he came home on Tuesday, he was still having occasional seizures, but they weren't lasting long enough for him to have to go back to the emergency vet (the vet had told us that as long as they didn't last more than 5 minutes, he wouldn't have to come back). When he had a prolonged seizure the following Sunday (March 5th), he was also showing symptoms that are seen in dogs with brain tumors (falling over, disorientation). This is when they started to think that he had a brain tumor. When he stayed at the emergency vet from March 5th to late night March 8th, the vets had him hooked up on an IV so he was getting the anti seizure medication consistently and when they tried to wean him off, he kept getting seizures. This is when they became pretty certain that he had an advanced brain tumor. They are now treating it as a brain tumor so he's on corticosteroids to help the swelling in his brain go down. Right now he is on 4 medications and hasn't had any seizures since he's been home. I wish that it was epilepsy and not a brain tumor, but from his symptoms and how he has reacted to the different medications, a brain tumor is a realistic and probably correct assumption unfortunately :'(
I am glad you are able to bring Chance home. Even if he is out of it right now, he still knows he is home and you can be with him there.
Hopefully the medications will start to take effect soon. Shrinking the tumor even a bit will help with the symptoms.

This is a tough time for you. All you can do is wait and see what happens. Every tumor is different and reacts differently.
I really hope that you soon see signs that Chance is responding to the treatment. We are all hoping that he returns to health and overcomes this. Keep us posted. We are all worrying and hoping that Chance gets better.

Look after yourself. Chance needs you to be there for him. And remember we are here and we do understand what you are going through.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Update on Chance:

Today was a good day for Chance. He has been acting more and more like himself. He has been wagging his tail, giving kisses, and cuddling with us. He still seems a little bit skittish at times, but we just have to be patient with him and take it day by day. Last night around 11 he started excessively drooling (something that he does during his seizures) and pacing, but once we gave him his medication he stopped and was able to go to bed. He also has been sleeping a lot more. When we brought him home from CARES the first time, he wouldn't sit still and just seemed uncomfortable, now he gets on the bed and the couch and naps (something he normally did before the seizures). We are probably going to have a mix of good days and bad days, but we are so thankful for the good ones we get to have with him<3
I am glad you are having some good times even if there are bad times. It is a good sign that Chance is more like himself. Maybe the steroids are shrinking the tumor a bit.  I know some seizure medication can make you sleepy so maybe that is why Chance is sleeping more.

It is good that you can recognize the signs of a seizure and help Chance. It is always better to prevent a seizure if you can.
I am sure he appreciates the good days as much as you do. Whatever happens you will be glad you have had this time with him.
It will make you so much closer.

Give Chance a hug from me. I hope he has many good days as you deal with his tumor. I wish him the best of health and hopefully a speedy recovery.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

Many blessings to dear Chance! Yes, you are right, Lindsey. Treasure the good days....
Blessings and kind thoughts for healing for dear Chance. He has such a lovely face.
Update on Chance:

Chance has been doing really well given the current circumstance. He is wagging his tail a lot more, cuddling up to us, and just acting more and more like his old self. He has been seizure free for the past week! We are taking him to the neurologist tomorrow morning to see where we should go from here. I will post an update on what the doctor says.

Thank you all for your support and well-wishes during this tough time, my family and I are so thankful!
I am so glad that Chance has had a good week. Seizure free is a good sign. The meds must be helping.
Now we just have to hope that long term things go well.

It is wonderful that you can spend time cuddling with Chance and just being there for him. I am sure you both feel better for being close like that.

We are all hoping that Change recovers and is your happy boy again. Keep us posted. I check every day to see if you have posted anything.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It's nice to hear news of dear Chance. Heart  It's good he's been seizure-free this last few days. Bless him.
Thank you for letting us know.

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