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I did it again... again Exotic Expo
I presume you mean 27F and that is cold for you. We have had some -27C, but it is Canada we expect it....but not for so many days. You must be miserable with the cold. Your houses are not insulated for real cold and I doubt you have the level of winter clothing I have. I have 3 pairs of winter boots and extra thick socks. You should see how many layers of sweaters I can put on at once. I carry a spare pair of gloves just incase I lose one pair. It seems that most of both our countries are caught in a cold spell. I am ready for it to go away any time now. Bring on summer or at least -10C. That would feel warm right now.

I can't wait to hear about you new boy. I like the name Renly. It is different and interesting. I hope he travels safe and he is happy in his new home this time tomorrow.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

yes 27F there were some days it didn't get above 20F it finally is in the 50s today. practically a heat wave. 30-50 F is pretty typical for a Tennessee winter. It might dip for a day or two but not usually a couple weeks.

We got our new boy today!

He's so little compare to Brienne. She's probably about 6 months older than Renly. Which is fine for breeding purposes. So far were are sticking with the name Renly. Nothing else seems like his name. I think this is the only animal we've had the name picked out without a long list.
So far he's really curious. Hasn't tried to strike at all. Neither has Brienne but considering Renly has been though shipping and for him to come out curious and calm is just amazing. I can't wait to see his personality as he grows.
He is beautiful!!!!
What amazing markings he has. Look at his head, the markings are perfect.

You made a really good choice and I think the name Renly suits him very well.

He will grow fast enough and the males are smaller anyhow so it doesn't matter.
You must be beside yourself with excitement.  You have one really fine snake there. Congratulations.
I find the rainbows are real sweethearts. He will stay sweet tempered because you will handle him regularly.

My respect to the breeder. Well done.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

he is so pretty and little. I love watching him. We're feeding him twice a week right now. he's on mice pinkies but should be moving to fuzzies soon.
He is really a very nice looking snake! I can see how small he is in this picture. His colour is beautiful and he has a sweet looking snake. I like the Colombian rainbows. They have nice temperaments and they look good as mature snakes.

Twice a week sounds good. He will be eating fuzzys before you know it. He is going to grow fast. Take lots of pictures. He won't be a baby for long.

Can you imagine what it is going to be like when you have your first litter of babies. Time will go fast and next thiung you know you will be telling us that your girl is expecting.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]

It's still a couple years off but I hope I have every thing set for when she does. I'm looking into rack systems now in prep for babies. They say they could have between 10-24 babies at a time so and I know I'll be keeping at least 1 baby if not 2. So over the next 2 years I want enough racks to hold at least 20 babies. It being her first litter/clutch (not sure what to call them since they are live baring) I'm not expecting too many from the first breeding but there's also that possibility of a second litter/clutch so im going to need back up shoe boxes and heat tape. Thankfully I have those shelves I got from my old job that I can set up a temporary rack system. I am really excited. Because I will be selling I'm trying to keep track of prices and see when exactly the snakes start paying for themselves. And by that I mean selling them to pay for more enclosures, food, set up, bedding that stuff. More for my own personal information. I'm not trying to make money but I would like the snakes to produce enough like I said to pay for themselves. It would allow us to bring in other rescues and other cool animals. A visual Leucistic would bring in around $600 and non visuals would bring in around $200 so I would need to sell 1 leucistic to cover the cost of the racks alone and some food. 1 leucistic baby would cover the cost of what I spent on Brienne and Renly. So the first year if I'm lucky and find good people to sell to, then I should just about break even and have a bit left over to spend on food. I wouldn't actually be making money to sustain the project until the 2nd year. Talk about a 5 and 10 year plan. If this project is successful I might could find a work around and start my own rescue and breeding and somehow work in dog training. That's a bit down the road though.
A leucistic baby would be easy to sell. However, you are going to want to keep your first leucistic. You won't be able to resist. It would be nice if you had two in the first litter. The first litter will be smaller. They usually are and your female probably won't double clutch in the first breeding year. After that it will take off.

Most of us are happy if we can pay for some of our costs by selling babies. Of course you started with a high end breeding pair. That will help. If the snakes bring in some money you will be able to set up more rescue tanks. There are always reptiles needing rescue. They live longer than people expect and many people can't make long term commitments to pets. Look how many rescue guinea pigs I end up with and they have short lives. Can you order your food directly from a supplier? I get mine at cost, but I put in hours of work at the reptile centre. We have an understanding about work vs. supplies.

You should be able to get things going for dogs and reptiles and combine your website. Somehow you will find you end up with an online business that does all kinds of animal things. It will be interesting to see how it grows.

Clutch or litter. I don't know. Reptile eggs are called clutches. I am not sure it feels right to call live born snakes or lizards a clutch. They must be called a litter. I will ask a more experienced breeder about that.
[Image: IMG_9091.JPG]


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